Original Fic: Misery And Happiness, by allfireburns Remix: Depth Perception (The Pursuit Of Happiness Remix) [Xander/Buffy, 330 words, rated PG, set post-series], by amathela
Original Fic: Suddenly Sister, by jedibuttercup Remix: The Storm's Eye (Somewhere Glory Is Screaming Remix) [Dawn/River, 200 words, rated G, post-Chosen and Post-Serenity (BDM)], by duh_i_read
Original Fic: Charms and Tidings, by duh_i_read Remix: Prodigy (The Unexpected Consequences Remix) [Giles/Olivia, 100 words, rated PG, spoilers for the entire television series], by lady_ganesh
Original Fic: Holding, by izhilzha Remix: Holding (The stalwart and true Remix) [Willow, Xander, mentions Giles, Tara, Warren, 150 words, rated PG-13, implied character deaths], by crevanfox
Original Fic: After 8:30, by malnpudl Remix: After 8:30 (the kinky old man remix) [Giles/Wesley/Buffy, Giles centric, 100 Words, Rated PG, implied slash, implied threesome] by crevanfox